The United Theological College Students Association is a student body for the welfare of students. It is a bridge between the students and the administration. This acts as a conduit for the students to air their opinions and their needs to the administration and the governing body of the college. The UTCSA has an elected president, secretary, treasurer and other office bearers. Meetings are conducted at least once a term.

Hostel General Body

The daily affairs of the men’s and women’s hostel is co-ordinated by an elected representative called the Hostel Secretary. Both the men’s and women’s hostel have a secretary. They along with a management committee help in the running of the hostel. Meetings are conducted at least once a month. The hostels also have hostel advisors who are faculty members.

Carey Society

The Carey Society is the cultural wing of the college. The name was coined in memory of William Carey. All students, faculty and staff are members of the Carey society. The student who co-ordinates all work is the Carey society secretary and he or she is also elected by the body. The Carey Society has various wings which look into the internal and external programmes of the college. All cultural and other social engagements and activities are conducted by the Carey society. The principal is the president and a faculty member is the vice president.