The buildings in UTC apart from the library and the guest house include the administrative block, Tagore hall, Ranson hall, chapel, JRC, hostels, book shop and creche.
UTC Infrastracture

Administrative Block
The administrative block is the main and oldest building of UTC. It consists of the principal’s office, bursar’s office and accounts section, PRO’s office, reception, certain department offices and the faculty lounge.

Tagore Hall
Tagore hall holds programmes and the community worship on every Sunday 6:30 P.M. This is where faculty seminars and college meetings are held. It is also available for holding meetings by NGO’s and churches.

Ranson Hall
This is a hall which is at the entrance of the college. It has a seating capacity of 350 and has a stage and space on both sides of the hall. It has official college functions and is also suitable for marriage receptions.

The chapel in UTC which is called the Ziegenbalg chapel has service on all week days from 8:30 A.M. to 8:50 A.M. Most of the worship services are held here.

The Chandran Memorial building is the academic block of the college. It has all BD and MTh class rooms, two halls, office rooms, a language lab, video room and studio.

UTC has a women’s hostel and men’s hostel where spinster and bachelor students stay. The common dining hall for hostellers is in one of the small halls of the men’s hostel. This was earlier in the Mahatma Gandhi Hostel which has since been demolished and is being built new.

Book Shop
The book shop of the UTC is at the entrance of the college and has both college and other publications. It is open in the afternoons and whenever needed. Those interested to buy books can contact the office. The book shop has a variety of books and bhajan/song cd’s brought out by the college.

The college runs a nursery for the children of students and for those near by. The nursery caters to the needs of young children just before they join a normal school.